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Third parties obstacles are when there is an established two party system in which politicians are elected from either the democratic or the republican party.voters barely are willing to vote for third parties because there are no chances of them winning anyway!

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Q: What are some obstacles that third parties face?
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During the late 1800s and early 1900s the growing popularity of reform-minded third parties forced the two major parties to?

) adopt some of the third-parties' policies

What are some of the obstacles for a third party candidate running in a presidential election?

One is getting on the voting ballot in all the states. Another is getting a fair chance to debate the issues with people from the other parties.

Are most third parties 'one-issue' parties?

No. There are some "one-issue parties", but most third parties in Parliamentary Systems are not "one-issue parties". I would encourage you to read about German parties other than the Social Democrats and the Christian Democrats in order to see that the the other parties have complex and multifacted policies. Even in France, the third parties, by and large, have a variety of issues that they serve

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In the US there are an abundance of minority political parties. Often times they are referred to as third parties. Some are exactly called minority parties. In some cases they are called fringe parties.

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What are some political parties going on in the US in 2012?

The major parties are the Republican and Democratic parties. Third-parties include the Liberatarian Party, the Green Party, the American Party, and the Constitution Party.

Do major parties ever adopt the ideas of third parties?

Yes. The democrats and Republicans are constantly adapting their platforms to the needs of the country. When any movement among the people becomes strong enough, one of the leading parties takes it up. <<<Page 99 in Social Civics Book.

What are some obstacles vice presidents face?

One of their biggest obstacles is being an effective communicator. Ensuring that they are never in the same place at the same time as the president, in case of emergency.

What is discourage?

The feeling of despair in the face of obstacles.

Why don't third parties don't give up?

They don't need to. Some real changes come from differently thinking parties. For example, "The Rent is Too High"--Jimmy McMillan

How third parties affect the American Political Process?

The third party candidates will almost always take about 2% of the vote. Though not enough to take any electoral votes they can sway the popular vote, which is called upon if the electoral count is even.