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The Great Escape

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Great Escape and Stalag 17.

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Q: What are some movies about German POW camps?
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How many prisonors were kiled during world war 2?

4% of POW's in German camps about 5000 27% of POW's in Japanese camps about 125,000

Where were the pow kept in World War 2?

The PoW (Prisoners of War) were kept either in PoW Camps or in some Concentration Camps such as Auschwitz.

Was there a category of POW in German camps known as katset?

No, KZ (kah-TSET) was a German abbreviation for a concentration camp.

Was visiting prohibited in POW camps?

yes. most of the time visiting was prohibited in POW camps.

Which POW camps in Germany and German occupied countries let their prisoners work on farms?

There were at least 450 people

What POW camps did the US run in the Pacific?

POW camps for the Japanese, but NOT in the Pacific. In the United States itself were POW camps held. They were for the Japanese whom were deemed spies for the Japanese government.

Were the pow camps in the east bad?

pow? enough said

Is there a list of serbian pow from ww2 in germany serbian officers in german camps?

My father was captured in 1943 by the Germans and shipped to northern Greece to a POW camp. He was captured near the town of Nevesinje. The POW camp was near Salonkia, Greece.

How many pow camps did New York have in ww2?

According to New York had 20 POW camps in WW2

List of American pows that survived the Japanese pow camps was the name vernon west on any of the lists?

Begin your research with websites concerning WW2 POW camps. Go to Extensive lists and rosters for Japanese POW Camps

What were POW camps in the Vietnam war?

POW camps for Communist (NVA/VC) Prisoners of War were operated by the South Vietnamese Government: See website: Prisoner-of-war Camps.

How many states had POW camps?