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well there are a bunch which cannot be listed!~! by the way i wrote this kianna savage from the imani school!~!


There are none. The Scarlet Letter is a fictional novel. Only Winthrop and Bellingham actually existed.

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Q: What are some historical events in The Scarlet Letter?
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What are some historical events that took place in 1926?

There are many historical events that occurred in 1926. Some of these events include the opening of the NBC radio network, the establishment of Route 66, and the founding of The Pike School in Massachusetts.

What are the historical events of the southest?

some of the events are people getting killed, raped, and kidnaped more.

What month has the most historical events of signifcance?

There is no real answer to that. Every month has very historical events and history is something that is worldwide. Something of historicial significance in one country, may not be of any importance of all in another country. The most historical events in your country may be in a particular month, but in another country, its most historical events are in another month. So taking that worldwide, there are major historical events in every month of the year, so you cannot say any one month is most important. Even within a single country, there can be disagreements on the importance of some historical events. Some are more important to some people than to other people.

Where can I find some historical events during 1775?

To find some historical events during 1775 can be found a lot places. The most efficient places online are; Wikipedia, History, Discover, and Yahoo Answers.

What were some historical events from the year 2008?

Some historical events that took place in 2008 were the legalizing of civil unions for same-sex couples in New Hampshire and Bill Gates stepped down as Chairman of Microsoft.

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