Mr. Broadway is one of my favorites. On Broadway btwn 37th and 38th.
There were a bunch of cities in WW2 that were not bomber such as New York city and Los Angles California. yes these city's were not bombed in world war 2 but on the whole this is a really good question...65 citys were bombed in Germany alone so theres a starting point for you! thanks x
Because Russell Wilson plays for the NFL team, the Seattle Seahawks, there is a good chance the baseball team of the Seattle Mariners are his favorite team. It's good publicity to root for another sports franchise that plays in the same city. There are variations of course. However, MLB has figured out that in a city with two baseball teams, such as the New York Yankees and the New York Mets, they have cleverly made sure that each team plays in a different league. This could have been a "fan" problem when back in the day, New York City had three teams. The Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants in the National League, and the Yankees in the American League.
The best city in the world is by far London, though there are other good cities, I am not saying that London is the only good city, I just think it's really good.
New York had qualities that other places didn't. Namely, it offered good soil, a good harbor, and the Hudson river offered transportation within the states.
Manhattan is one of the best places to visit in New York. Almondy Is a good place so is kichania
New York City has every kind of international cuisine you can imagine, as well as a vast number of fast food restaurants, pizza places, and specialty delis, shops and restaurants. A good guess would be there isn't a food in the world you can't find somewhere in New York City.
Good Evening New York City was created on 2009-11-17.
Church of the Good Shepherd - New York City - was created in 1911.
Kosher salt is basically regular salt because salt is kosher. Salt isn't good for you if you eat too much.Answer:Chemically speaking, table salt and coarse (kosher) salt are the same.
New York is indeed the best city in the world. Good answer... My opinion: The best place in the world is where you feel good,so New York it can be the best city in the world on many people's opinion but on others isn't.New York City is great but I don't believe is the best in the entire world...xD
New York City
At the kosher butcher or grocery store.
It is probably more good than evil, yes.
Saint David's School - New York City -'s motto is 'That They Be Good Men'.
Hopefully, delis won't ever truly go away. That said, many have closed in recent years as the people who frequent them the most continue to get older and older and pass away. Many people in younger generations aren't as interested in deli food. Some people, though, are finding new ways to keep delis fresh and appealing to a younger generation, and some old delis are hanging on (and a few are still doing very, very well). A good book on the subject is Save the Deli.
Graduation rates fluctuate from year to year. New York City is no different. New York City seems to average on the sixty percent range of successful graduates.