An autocracy is a form of government involving rule by one person. It is also known as a Dictatorship or totalitarianism. Some examples of autocracies include Castro's Cuba, Hitler's Germany, and Napoleon's France.
what are some examples of concentration camps?
You will find some examples in the Wikipedia article on "Polish language".
Some examples would be Gandhi in 1930 on his long march to the British sea.
what are some examples of migration That is not really an answer! :(
Some examples of ancient Egyptian dog names are Abu, Anubis, Bastet, and Khufu.
The answer is in autocracies the rulers are not elected.
In Autocracies the rulers are not elected {nova net}
A King or Queen ruling
Because there is only ONE person in charge, unlike the US where Congress can override a decision made by the President.
There is no other type of autocracy.
democracies and autocracies.
what are the main part of some examples of cooperative? the real examples of it cause some have some differernt of examples of cooperative that why i want to know to the main cooperative examples of it
what are the main part of some examples of cooperative? the real examples of it cause some have some differernt of examples of cooperative that why i want to know to the main cooperative examples of it
some examples are :-
examples are
Most Middle Eastern countries are autocracies. A shorter list would be those countries that are not autocratic: Turkey, Israel, and Cyprus.
Some examples are:Colour blindnessHaemophilia