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Q: What are some countries that owned colonies in more than one continent?
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Was land more plentiful in england than in the colonies-?

No, in England fewer then 5% of people owned land. In the colonies fertile land gave the colonist a chance to prosper.

Is Africa home to more countries than any other continent?

yes it is

Why did European countries explore and colonize North America?

That was the time of the colonialism, so, all the European countries went on trying to get more land for its people because they had to get richer to not to get out of business. The England colonized the north America because of this reason, they established the thirteen colonies with a great strategy: the north colonies would serve like the headquarters of the metropole on the new continent and the ones by the south would be extractivists colonies. Then, the England could control the things in the north America, without being afraid of get out of business.

Which two countries or colonies have Portuguese as the major official language?

There are no more Portuguese colonies. Two countries that used to be Portuguese colonies are East Timor, where Portuguese shares official language status with the native Tetum; and Macau, where Portuguese shares official language status with Chinese.

Imperialism in wwi?

Imperialism was basically the tension over colonies. This was a widely recognised reason for starting off WWI. Colonies were places that were taken in to control by other ruling countries. This made countries more powerful and dominant, so this is linked to alliances that were made back then.

Related questions

What other countries besides England had colonies in the continent?

Yeah i think it in Did_England_have_any_other_colonies_besides_England, the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.Read more: Did_England_have_any_other_colonies_besides_England

What continent has more than 50 countries?

Africa is the continent with more than 50 countries.

What continent has more than 54 countries?

Africa is the continent with more than 54 countries, making it the continent with the highest number of sovereign states.

The continent of Africa has more ---------- than any other continent?

The continent of Africa has more countries than any other continent.

What continent has more countries?


Which continent has more number of countries?

Africa tops the list with 54 countries.

Does Africa has more country than any other continent?

No, Africa does not have more countries than any other continent. Africa has 54 recognized countries, while Asia has the most countries with 49 countries in Asia.

Which continent has more countries Africa or Europe?


Why did England want to put colonies in the new world?

Because the more land you owned the more powerful you were!!!

What are the disadvantages of two countries trying to create colonies on the same continent?

The obvious would be war, but more than that they can both be competing for the same resources. When you're just starting out on a continent you have to learn about the land, and when someone is competing for the resources with you it's much harder.

Which is the largest continent the world?

No doubt Asia is the biggest continent, featuring China, Russia, the middle eastern countries, and some more countries.

Was land more plentiful in england than in the colonies-?

No, in England fewer then 5% of people owned land. In the colonies fertile land gave the colonist a chance to prosper.