One word is 'Quaver'. The word means to shake. Like you're in fear. Jews were very afraid in the Holocaust.
a better word would be 'Quicklime'. A white powdery chemical placed in the bottom of cars & trains the Jews rode in to concentration camps and stuff.
There are no words in Greek that start with q but some have q in them
Q - Quorum In law, a quorum is the minimum number of members of a deliberative body necessary to conduct the business of that group.
Quiet, quickly, queue, quay, and quell questions...
Quick (blitzkrieg), Quagmire (Battle of Leningrad)
Some words that start with Q and end with P are quickstepand quip.
There are no words in Greek that start with q but some have q in them
· qualified
Quaver- TO shake or be afraid
Some French words that start with "q" are "quoi" (what), "quand" (when), "qui" (who), and "que" (that, what).
Some words that start with Q and end with M are qualm, queendom, Quantum, quorum. and quixotism.
Some 10 letter words that start with Q are:quadranglequaintnessquantifierqueasinessquesadillaquintupletquirkiness
quantum physics
· qualified