The Germans took the lead in industrialization in the 19th century and soon became the greatest European power. Even after two world wars, Germany was still the greatest European power. However, Stalin absolutely destroyed East Germany by destroying private enterprise. When Germany was reunified in the 1990s, there was great tension between West and East Germany because the East Germans were largely indolent because private enterprise had been squashed under Stalin. So I would say that Germany ceased to be the greatest power in Europe when Stalin removed private enterprise.
Germans have made substantial contributions to science, rocketry, and literature (especially Goethe). Germans have also made great contributions to music (Wagner is one of the greatest opera writers). Handel was German, but he lived and worked in the court of King George III in Great Britain. Germany is known for setting the tone for theological currents in Christianity in the 20th century (Bonhoffer, Barth, et cetera).
The Reformation started in Germany; Luther's defiance of the pope set a powerful precedent for other countries.
Some of the achievements of Alexander the Great are the victory at Issus, the victory at Gaugamela, and having the largest empire in history.
Some of the oldest female names that have stood the test of time throughout history include Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Anna. These names have been popular for centuries and continue to be used today.
The development of philosophy, science, architecture, building, history, the arts - plays, poetry, painting, literature.
what are some achievements of ancient Rome Augustan Age
You need to specify whose achievements you are referring to if you want to make it possible to answer your question.
Throughout time, in the past,......
There are many things you can do to learn about the life in the German army. You can go to a library or you can go online to the history of the German army.
All states have a history of German, Irish, and Jewish settlers. These are some of the largest immigrant populations of the US over history.
what is some of his achievements
Some of the achievements of Alexander the Great are the victory at Issus, the victory at Gaugamela, and having the largest empire in history.
larry bird
Which religion? There are hundreds practiced today, thousands throughout mankind's history.
Some of the oldest female names that have stood the test of time throughout history include Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Anna. These names have been popular for centuries and continue to be used today.
The development of philosophy, science, architecture, building, history, the arts - plays, poetry, painting, literature.
The geological history of this place is fascinating.She is at university studying geological history.
sprinkled throughout history - mostly religious in nature, as extreme spirituality is required.
the most impressive achievements were the pillars of Aksum