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They were called the catacombs. They were the cemeteries of the Romans who converted to Christianity.

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Q: What are roman underground burial places called?
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What were the roman chanels that brought water to citizens around the empire?

The water channels were called aqueducts. Some were above ground, as is the common picture of them, but many were also underground or parts of them were underground.

The region of western Europe called holy roman empire was also called?

The Holy Roman Empire was also called Germany. Strictly speaking the two were not identical, as medieval people used the name Germany to mean places where German was spoken; some of these were not in the Holy Roman Empire and some parts of the Holy Roman Empire were not German speaking.

Why is Rome colossuem important?

The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.

What were foriegners in the roman army called?

Foreigners in the Roman army were used as and called auxiliaries.Foreigners in the Roman army were used as and called auxiliaries.Foreigners in the Roman army were used as and called auxiliaries.Foreigners in the Roman army were used as and called auxiliaries.Foreigners in the Roman army were used as and called auxiliaries.Foreigners in the Roman army were used as and called auxiliaries.Foreigners in the Roman army were used as and called auxiliaries.Foreigners in the Roman army were used as and called auxiliaries.Foreigners in the Roman army were used as and called auxiliaries.

What was a Roman official that was a Roman director of province called?

it is know as a roman govenor but was called propraetor

Related questions

How did the catacombs start?

Some of the catacombs started as Roman quarries, and were taken over by Mithraists, who believed that Mithras must be worshipped underground. In other cases, the Mithraists excavated their own underground places of worship. By the third century CE, Mithraism was in decline and Christians began to take over the catacombs as burial places. It seems that the Christians felt that by burying their dead in catacombs that had belonged to Mithraism, they were dishonouring that religion.

Where were catabombs during roman times?

The catacombs were a system of underground passageways used for religious practice with cambers for burials built by the Christians in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. The term was originally used specifically for the burial and religious systems built in the Roman Empire. Later its meaning was widened to include medieval catacombs. The term used for the pagan underground cemeteries of antiquity is necropolis.

What were the roman chanels that brought water to citizens around the empire?

The water channels were called aqueducts. Some were above ground, as is the common picture of them, but many were also underground or parts of them were underground.

Could Roman Aqueducts be underground?

Yes, they were sometimes underground, and often covered.

Why were the roman toilets called baths?

Roman toilets were not called baths, they were called foricae. Baths were called thermae and they were social centers in addition to being places to bathe. All the thermae (baths) had foricae (toilets).

What was the name for the underground heating in roman houses?


What is the Catacomb?

You meant "what are catacombs?" Catacombs are underground cemeteries. Mostly it contains neatly piled bones and skulls lining the walls. There is one in France where it was rumored that they threw Marie Antoinette's corpse after she was executed.

The region of western Europe called holy roman empire was also called?

The Holy Roman Empire was also called Germany. Strictly speaking the two were not identical, as medieval people used the name Germany to mean places where German was spoken; some of these were not in the Holy Roman Empire and some parts of the Holy Roman Empire were not German speaking.

Why is Rome colossuem important?

The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.The Roman Colosseum is important because it is a marvel of ancient engineering in its size, its structure, its durability, and its underground chambers, holding areas and equipment such as elevators.

Why did they use roman baths?

Roman baths were first and foremost places to get clean. They were also places to socialize and partake of recreational activities.

Who is the god of underground?

If by "underground" you mean the underworld, it's Hades. His Roman equivalent was Pluto. They were both god of the Underworld, and presided over the spirits of the dead.

What was the roman goddess Venus responsibilities?

that is wrong. she is a weather maker and she had to go to the underground world.