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Coupon books that alloted only a certain amount of gas, sugar, flour..basic staples that were needed by all to be bought in a given.. Normally you could apply for new books on a monthly basis.


Trivia about gasoline rationing in the U.S. : Vehicles were classified according use, with specific amounts of fuel per week allowed for each classification, A, B, C, T, or X. (Some classifications were allowed unlimited supplies.) The purpose of gasoline rationing was to conserve rubber, not fuel. For information about ration books and items that were rationed, with copious photos and illustrations, see


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16y ago
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17y ago

I feel that ration books were used so that the products in the ration shops could be distributed equally among the people in the area of the ration shop.The ration books were needed to keep a record that every household would get an equal amount of the commodity, from rice to cooking oil. In India the ration cards system which people have from a particular ration shop in the area still exists. People get about one kilogram of sugar on each card from each household.Kerosene oil and rice is still sold on the ration card in many areas of Calcutta, in India.Four people in a household would have four ratio cards, one for each member of the household, in India.

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9y ago

Since food was needed for soldiers to fight the war food was rationed, meaning people were restricted on how much of certain foods they could buy. A ration book contained removable stamps good for certain rationed items, like sugar, meat, cooking oil, and canned goods. A family could only buy as much of these commodities as they had stamps for them. Stores were required by law to only sell amounts matching the customer's stamps. Some merchants sold more than they were permitted at inflated prices. They were call blackmarketers and were scorned by loyal Americans.

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12y ago

To ensure that scarce resources would be available to the military and prevent hoarding by the public.

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13y ago

A rationing book is something people used during the war to buy food using coupons.

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11y ago

The was the a were where on no yes pot inportant plot clock back up down.

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Why did they introduce rationing books?

So that everbody would get a share of what was available.

Did soldiers get ration books in World War 2?

Yes. All countries involved in WW2 (and all occupied territories) had rationing and ration books. The only alternative to rationing by coupons would have been rationing by price. In most cases, this would have sent the prices of essentials sky high.

How was rationing enforced in the world war 2?

People got given ration books

What was rationing in the World War 2?

Rationing was were food ran out a lot because the ships were being bombed by Germans. So they used to hand out Rationing Books to tell you about what was happening with food . Also they had ration books to tell them how to use their gas mask properly

Why did rationing happened?

Rationing happened because food needed to be sent to soldiers fighting in world wars 1 and 2. Ration books were given out to citizens so the citizens had limited food.

Where there ration books during World War I?

The European countries involved in World War 1 introduced food rationing. Obviously, this involved issuing ration-books.


the act of rationing

Who supplied rationing cards during world war 2?

In the UK, Ration Books wee issued by the Ministry of Food.

Where did rationing happen?

Rationing happpend in Britain

Where can you find information about World War 2 rationing?

To find information on rationing you can go to To find information on rationing you can go to To find information on rationing you can go to

What word refers to wartime plan in which Americans used government-issued books of coupons to purchase a limited amount of certain items?


Did rationing affect children?

Rationing affected everyone.