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It could be that the people who first colonized Peru happened to mostly be type O (about 35% of people are), and the A and B types (which would have been very rare in the population) worked their way out over many generations.

This is known as Genetic Drift, more specifically the Founder effect

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Q: What are possible reason that peruvian Indians are 100 blood type 0?
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What is around the Peru flag?

The red stripes represent the blood spilt for Peruvian freedom; while the white stands for peace.

Is it possible to change blood color not to like darker red but orange or green?

Blood in humans is red because it carries haemoglobin. This molecule, when it is oxygenated is red. For this reason blood is red. If it were possible to make a synthetic analogue for haemoglobin (and some scientists are trying) the colour could theoretically change depending on the synthetic analogue.

Can two parents with o blood have a child with b blood?

no, unless one of the parents has b blood it is impossible for the child to have b blood. **** Yes, it is possible if for some reason one parent inherited the B gene which didn't manifest. If no B proteins are produced, blood typing tests will never say it's B. However, that person can still have the gene, just not produce the protein for some reason.

Do blood Indians cut themselves?

yes, because they stain their selfs with thier blood

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Finding blood spots from your cat may indicate a medical issue, such as a wound, infection, or urinary tract problem. It's important to monitor your cat's health closely and consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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ya cant you tell he is a sexii paco like for real foreal i anit going to lie the movie BLOOD IN BLOOD OUT this papi was sexii but this man to old for me hahaha but ya he do speak spanish =]

Is iT possible to have your period without blood?

Yes, it is possible to have what is known as a "period-like" experience without the presence of blood. This can be due to factors like hormonal imbalances, stress, or certain medical conditions that may affect the menstrual cycle. If you experience a change in your usual menstrual patterns, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

Is it possible to contract hiv by donating blood?

It is very possible, but the Blood Donating Centers around the U.S. always use fresh needles to take the risk away. All though it is a common fear associated with donating blood, but is completely unfounded. The reason being is all blood centers in the United States use new blood bags, needles, etc. on each donor. It has been a federal requirement for many years now.

What has the author Marje Blood written?

Marje Blood has written: 'Narcissa, her story' -- subject(s): Cayuse Indians, Fiction, History, Indians of North America, Whitman Massacre, 1847

What are blood types that are possible to have?

The blood types are A, B, AB and O. Rh positive or negative are also blood types possible. What blood type we will have is inherited from our parents.

Why is the Peru flag red and white?

Red and white colors of the flag symbolize the golden period of Inca Empire in Peru. The red stripes also represent the blood shed in the fight for Peruvian freedom, while the white stands for peace and justice. Now that is what the Peru flag stand for!

Is it possible for a man with blood type AB and a woman with blood type O to have a child with blood type O?

Yes it is possible. The child can have A, B and O blood group.