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Grandmother is vavao. And grandfather is vovo.

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Q: What are portuguese grandparents called?
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Can you be quarter-Portuguese?

Yes - if one of your four grandparents was Portuguese you would be called "quarter-Portuguese." The same would apply if and two great grand parents were Portuguese, for example, one maternal great grandparent and one paternal great grandparent was Portuguese

What are fathers parents called?

The father's parents are called grandparents.

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There is no name for a "group of grandparents."

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Frederick and Lemuria are Jessie's grandparents.

How do you call grandparents in Hindi?

Grandparents are called dadi dada; dadi for grandmom and dada for grand dad in hindi.

What are grandparents called in Scots?

In Scots, grandparents are often called "grannies" and "grampas" or "gran" and "granda."

What do the Portuguese call Portugal?

People from Portugal are called "Portuguese"

What are Portuguese nationals commonly known as?

Portuguese people are known as Lusitans ("Lusitanos" in Portuguese). That's why there is for instance a news agency in Portugal called Lusa, or Portuguese people in America are called Luso-Americans, or why a famous portuguese horse breed is called Lusitan horse.

What is slippery elm called in Portuguese?

Slippery elm is called "ulmo escorregadio" or "ulmária" in Portuguese.

What are the people in Portugal called in English and Portuguese?

In English : Portuguese In Portuguese : Português (single) Portugueses (plural)

Is Portuguese a continent?

Portuguese is a language. The country is called Portugal and it is not a continent.