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Assemble peacefully and protest

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Q: What are people allowed to do when a government works against the right of the people?
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Why weren't people allowed to participate in government during revolutionary war?

They did not have many right's back then so they were not allowed to do very much

When the government works against the people what are the people allowed to do according to the Declaration of Independence?

alter or abolish the government

When should a people rebel against their government?

When the government is corrupt or in any way tyrannical we the people have the RIGHT to take it back to make it honest and free again.That time is now!

Do people have the right to institute the new government?

People have the right to institute a new government at any time. The real issue is how do you get rid of the old government.

When do people have right to institute new government?

People have the right to institute a new government at any time. The real issue is how do you get rid of the old government.

Related questions

When do people have a right to rebel against their government?

when the government takes away peoples rights

What is the most inspired the inclusion in the Declaration of Independence of the right of the people to revolt against a tyrannical government?

when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it

What are the people allowed to do when the government takes away the peoples right life liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

alter or abolish the government

What is the purpose for putting limits on government power?

Protect against government cruelty that limits the right of the people

According to the Declaration of Independence when a government takes away the people's right the life liberty and the pursuit of happiness what are the people allowed to do?

Alter or abolish the government

Why weren't people allowed to participate in government during revolutionary war?

They did not have many right's back then so they were not allowed to do very much

When the government works against the people what are the people allowed to do according to the Declaration of Independence?

alter or abolish the government

What important statements are in the declaration of independence?

People have the right to rebel against an unjust government.

According to Locke people have the right to rebel against or abolish the government when it?

According to Locke, people have the right to rebel against or abolish the government when it fails to protect their natural rights to life, liberty, and property. He believed that when a government becomes tyrannical and infringes upon these rights, the people have the right to overthrow it and establish a new system that better safeguards their rights.

Do you have a right to rebel against your?

Yes It is not only the right but the duty of all people to rebel against the government when the government no longer serves the interest of the people. The people are the country. We elect people to represent us to the world. When those representatives no longer act on the peoples voice it is time for the people to rise up and replace it with one that does.

According to the declaration of independence when a government works against the rights of the people what are the people allowed to do?

Alter or abolish the government

What does it mean by the claim that people have a right of revolution?

It means that people have a right to dissent against a government that they feel has grown tyrannical and no longer represents the majority of citizens.