

Best Answer

It was the rise of strong kings

with the support of a growing

merchant class that led to the

emergence of the nation states!.

Trade had grown dramaticly

during the years following the

Crusades resulting in a new

emphisis on


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Q: What are nation-states and why did they replace feudal societies?
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How did nation-states emerge from feudal societies?

From feudal societies,came the Kingdom had to be governed to its best potential. Control over the land was a crucial task as there were threats of warfare from other Kingdoms. The form of control of feudal societies were that of warfare and economic.

How did nation states emerge from feudal societies?

Nation states emerged from feudal societies through a gradual process of centralization of power. Feudal societies were characterized by a fragmented political structure with power dispersed among feudal lords and vassals. However, over time, monarchs were able to consolidate their authority and establish central institutions of governance, such as bureaucracies, standing armies, and legal systems. This process eventually led to the emergence of nation states, which were defined by a centralized political structure and a sense of shared identity among their populations.

How is social status usually determined in European and Japanese feudal societies?


Feudal societies are generally characterized by?

An emphasis on social order

Is class the system of stratification for feudal societies of the European Middle Ages?

The European Ages used class and estates as a system of stratification for feudal societies. Feudalism had three estates, which were the Church was the first estate, the nobility were the second, and the peasants were the third estate.

How can you classify the societies of traditional China feudal Japan and Czarist Russia?

A rigid class structure

What is the level of science and technology in Nigeria in the precolonial era?

Low, neolithic to feudal societies were the norm.

How do you use the feudal in a sentence?

During the middle ages most societies operated under some form of feudal system.

How do European and Japanese feudal societies compare an contrast?

The basic idea is the same, but instead of pledging fealty to royalty, the Japanese feudal system will have a military general at the top (shogun).

WHAT division of labor is highest in which type of society?

hunting and gathering feudal industrial advanced industrial imperial societies

What are nation states and why did they replace feudal societies?

It was the rise of strong kings with the support of a growing merchant class that led to the emergence of the nation states!. Trade had grown dramaticly during the years following the Crusades resulting in a new emphisis on business!.

What types of services does the company NationStates provide?

The company NationStates offer office things like notebooks, pens and pensils. They also provide electronic accessories, cups, books and other funny stuff.