The names of the days of the week in Hindi are: Somvar (Monday), Mangalvar (Tuesday), Budhvar (Wednesday), Guruvar (Thursday), Shukravar (Friday), Shanivar (Saturday), and Ravivar (Sunday).
There are many names for India in History. India, Bharata, Hindustan and Hind, Tenjiku, Jambudvipa, Indoi, Indou, Indik, Five Indies,
Her children's names are Rachel and India Wolf.
gandhiji and salman khan
ivan cameron rhodes
Endangered animals
The name India is the English word and Bharat is the Hindi word.
I don't know all but I think The Tigers are the most endangered.
the Hindi name for India is Bharat.Bharat भारत or Hindustan हिंदुस्तानThe names for India in Hindi arehindustanbharat
Both the names are for the one country. India in English and bharat in Hindi.
In hindi names remain the same as others . People widely recognize albatross in india.
bushbaby,lion,tiger,jaguar,amur lepoard
names and details of all the endemic species of India?
Cougars, mountain lions and pumas are names of a single species. The only subspecies currently endangered is the Florida panther.
Polar bears, giant pandas, rhinos, and snow leopards are on the endangered species list. Other animals on the endangered list that people find unexpected are zebras, peacocks, and the Ugandan Giraffe. The polar bear is not an endangered species, but listed as vulnerable.
milch animals like cow, buffalo, sheep, goat, the camel ,etc , are milch cattle.