

What are mosaic made of?

Updated: 8/19/2022
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15y ago

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Mosaics are made of little bits of anything to make a picture. So anything that is humanly possible to tear or make into little tiny bits is mosaic material. Technically correct, but depending on what sort of mosaic you want to make. Hard moaics are generally made of pebbles/stones, smashed tiles, coloured glass and wishing stones. They can also be made of coins beads shells and corks.

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15y ago

They are made of tile or ceramics ( mainly only )

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How do you use mosiac in a sentence?

A mosaic is a design made from small pieces or pictures, or something that resembles a mosaic. Here are some sentences.That mosaic floor was built by the Romans.The club is a mosaic of different cultures.Mosaic pictures can be lovely.

How do you use the word mosaic in a sentence?

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