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In art, naturalism is marked by an accurate depiction of detail.

In philosophy, it is the viewpoint that everything arises from natural properties and causes. In the naturalist view, supernatural or spiritual explanations are excluded or discounted.

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Naturalism is a philosophical perspective that relies on empirical evidence and scientific methods to understand the natural world. In literature and art, naturalism focuses on portraying life and characters realistically, often highlighting the influence of environment and heredity on human behavior. Naturalism in Europe and America both share these core principles, but they developed different styles and themes due to cultural and historical differences between the two regions.

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Naturalism did not effect society: society was long in existence before naturalism . Naturalism is having more of an AFFECT on society now; this is due merely to everyone's better awareness of their surroundings, and a better understanding of their local and global environment. It is, not surprisingly, as simple as that.