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Q: What are jobs for men in the 1980s?
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When did AIDS surface among gay men?

In the early 1980s.

Why did factory wokers find it harder to make a living in the 1980s?

there were fewer manufacturing jobs

What jobs did the men have in the missions?

The men jobs were to work with the missionaries

Are men eligible for CNA jobs?

Absolutely. Qualified women or men can apply for CNA jobs.

Can you describe some jobs allocated to men in a traditional Aboriginal tribe?

Jobs that aboroginal men did were, hunting

What job did men have in Egypt?

Many men could have many jobs it was woman that couldn't have many jobs

What do men do for jobs?

Men slaves had sex with white men and donkeys!

What kind of jobs did men have in the civil war?

they had jobs to serve.

Why are women beginning to dominate jobs specifically designed for men?

To show that women are as much capeable at the jobs as men

Where most women working after world war 1?

Since the men came home the Women were expected to give up their jobs. There were not enough jobs for all women and men so the men got the jobs and women didn't get any jobs.

What did men slaves do for jobs?

Men slaves had sex with white men and donkeys!

What jobs do hopewell men do in the past?

men would hunt