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Germanic invasions refers to the invasions of the western part of the Roman Empire by Germanic peoples which started in 406 and lead to the fall of this part of the Roman Empire.

The term Germanic refers to a linguistic group which includes German, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English. These Germanic peoples were the ancestors of the people who speak these modern languages.

The Vandals, Sueves and Alans (who were not Germanic, but Iranian speakers) from Central Europe invaded Gaul in 406 and settled in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and in northwest Africa. The Alemanni of southern Germany took advantage of this to take over Alsace (in north-eastern France) and most of Switzerland. The Burgundians settled in eastern France. The Visigoths, who had been allowed to settle in the eastern part of the Roman Empire by the Romans, moved to south-western France and expanded into the Iberian Peninsula. The Franks, who had been allowed to settle in Holland south of the river Rhine and Belgium, expanded into northern Gaul and gradually took over the whole of France.

The Angles, Saxons and Jutes from northern Germany and the Frisians from the northern part of the Netherlands migrated to Britannia in waves and took it over.

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Why was the battle of adrianople of a decisive battle?

Because it marks the beginning of Germanic invasions into the Roman Empire on a massive scale.

Which barbarian movement started the massive Germanic invasions across the roman frontiers?

Goths, Vandals and Huns

What external problems weakened the roman empire and led to its fall?

The fall of the western part of the Roman Empire was precipitated by the invasions by the Germanic peoples who were in search of new lands to settle. The Romans lost political cohesion. There was a lot of infighting and they were unable to respond to these invasions. In addition to this, they found it difficult to recruit enough soldiers and relied on recruiting Germanic mercenaries and on the help of Germanic allies.

Why did Rome crumble?

It was the western part of the Roman Empire which collapsed. There are many reasons for this. The most important factor were the invasions of this part of the empire by Germanic peoples who took over all of its lands, expert for Italy. Eventually Italy was also taken over by Germanic peoples. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for another 1,000 years.

Did the roman empire lose its discipline and thus endanger the roman empire and cause it to be overrun?

The loss of discipline to the Roman army(again western empire) occurred late in the fall of Rome. It was largely caused by the sheer influx of foreign/barbarian troops to fill the legions that Roman citizens would not do. So I'd say no.

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How did germanic invasions lead to feudalism in Europe?

The areas established after Germanic invasions morphed Roman institutions into the feudal system. It was a way for those in power to surround themselves with people who provided services to them.

H ow did the Germanic invasions lead to Feudalism and Ruralization in Europe?

the germanic invasions led to feudalism by breaking down central authority. (if anyone has more info on central authority.. post it!)

Why was the battle of adrianople of a decisive battle?

Because it marks the beginning of Germanic invasions into the Roman Empire on a massive scale.

Which groups invaded the Western Roman Empire?

Germanic invasions began in the 400s

Germany's first religion?

The Germanic people first worshiped gods of nature similar to the Norse pantheon. After the invasions by Rome, the Germanic people slowly converted to Christianity.

Which barbarian movement started the massive Germanic invasions across the roman frontiers?

Goths, Vandals and Huns

Did the army lose its disclipine and thus endanger the empire and cause?

The Roman army lost its discipline after the invasions of the empire, not before. This made the Romans unable to respond to the invasions. Prior to the invasions, the problems of the Roman army was that it was overstretched (due to many attempted invasions at points on the frontiers of the empire which were distant from each other) and that it had an insufficient number of soldiers. Due to the latter, the Romans recruited Germanic mercenaries and relied on Germanic allies in some areas.

Why was the battle of Adrianople decisive battle?

because it marks the beginning of Germanic invasions into the Roman Empire on a massive scale.

Why roman empire fall?

The western part of the Roman Empire fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples. The eastern part of the roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years.

What external problems weakened the roman empire and led to its fall?

The fall of the western part of the Roman Empire was precipitated by the invasions by the Germanic peoples who were in search of new lands to settle. The Romans lost political cohesion. There was a lot of infighting and they were unable to respond to these invasions. In addition to this, they found it difficult to recruit enough soldiers and relied on recruiting Germanic mercenaries and on the help of Germanic allies.

Did the wars that fighted with roman empire made it fall?

The western part of the Roman Empire fell under the stain of the invasions by the Germanic peoples. The eastern part of this empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years.