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tongue: For hairbrushes and food

fur: pillows and blankets

horns: head dresses

And also they do eat the meat of the Buffalo and they used it for making weapons for their protection.

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11y ago

1. horns to make spoons

2. bones to make tools

3. skin to make clothing and shelter

4. hair to make cord

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Q: What are four ways that plains indians used buffalo to survive?
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What revered animal was essential for survival for many Native American tribes on the plains?

The American bison (often referred to as the buffalo) was central to the Plains Indians' way of life but was hunted almost to extinction by whites. It was not white settlers who destroyed the buffalo herds, though, but the railroads, the demand for buffalo hides by Easterners, and the U.S. Army. In the two decades after the U.S. Civil War, several railroads were built through what had been buffalo grazing grounds. Hunters like Buffalo Bill Cody were hired to kill buffalo because the buffalo obstructed the laying of track and also because the buffalo provided meat for the railroad workers. Cody is said to have killed over four thousand buffalo in just 18 months working for one of the railroads. There was a great demand for buffalo robes (tanned hides with the fur left on) because of their exceptional warmth, and especially when they became a desirable fashion accessory, white hunters would shoot as many bison as they could (dozens in a single day), strip them of their hides and leave the meat to rot on the prairies. The U.S. Army joined in the slaughter of the buffalo to open land for settlers and the railroads and, some say, to help destroy the Plains Indians by depriving them of their primary source of food and many other necessities.

What are the four Texas regions?

the central plains,coastal plains, mountain and basin, and the high plains!

How many teats does a buffalo have?

If by "buffalo" you mean the American Bison, it appears they have four teats.

What homes do the plains Indians live in?

The Eastern Plains Indians lived in teepees that were large enough to house up to four families. They constructed them from animal hides and sticks. They were built so that the opening would face the rising sun.

Who is the plains Indians' god?

The Plains Indians followed no single religion. Animist religion was an important part of a Great Plains Indians' life, as they believed that all things possessed spirits. Their worship was centered on one main god, in the Sioux language Wakan Tanka(the Great Spirit). The Great Spirit had power over everything that had ever existed, and the Plains Indians believed that by worshiping him they would become stronger. Earth was also quite important, as she was the mother of all spirits. Spirits were worshiped daily. People sometimes prayed alone, while other times there were group gatherings. The most important group ceremony was the Sun Dance, in which participants danced for four days around a sacred object, and some would inflict harm upon themselves on purpose, all while staring at the sun. They believed this self-sacrifice would encourage powerful spirits to support and defend them.

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How many championship do the buffalo bandits have?


How many feet do buffalo have?

they have four feet

What are four land regions in South Dakota?

South Dakota has four main land regions. 1. The Drift Plains 2. The Dissected Till Plains 3. The Great Plains 4. The Black Hills

What are the four different Indians?

There were many more than four different types of Indian homes. There were the longhouses and wigwams of the northern woodland tribes. The Cherokee lived in log cabins. The Apaches lived in Wikiups. The plains lived in tipis. There were also adobe houses, subterranean homes, plank homes.

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