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- exploitation of environment
- development of leisure
- better chance of surviving as a group
- development of agriculture and technology

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Q: What are four outcomes or results of the settlement of humans in villages or towns?
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What did humans settled in small farming villages?

Humans settled in small farming villages to establish permanent residences near their food sources and to cultivate crops for sustenance. This settlement pattern also allowed for greater cooperation in tasks such as planting, harvesting, and protection from potential threats.

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Why do you think early human began to settle into permanent villages during the neolithic age?

Early humans began to settle into permanent villages during the Neolithic Age due to the rise of agriculture and domestication of plants and animals. This shift allowed for a more reliable food supply, leading to population growth and the need for permanent settlement. Villages also provided social stability, labor specialization, and a sense of community.

When did African villages exist if it is historical?

Africans lived in villages since there have been Africans, basically, millions of years. Humans need to sleep in villages with other people to be protected from wild animals.

How do you reduce pollution of human settlement?

Kill the humans.

Why is Antarctica not suitable for humans settlement?

becuase there is no such thing

What are some examples of people who specialized in early humans?

technology villages huts ect

How did surplusses help early villages?

surplus is having enough of and it effected humans because they had enough of what they had.

What impact could a tsumamis have on humans?

kill people or destroy things like homes ,villages

What impact could a volcano have on humans?

destroy homes and villages, kill people, kill humans food source plus it coats your home in lava then hardens :)

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How did human settlement evolve?

Human settlement evolved over time in response to various factors such as availability of resources, climate, population growth, and technological advancements. Early humans were nomadic, moving from place to place in search of food and shelter. As agriculture developed, people began to settle in permanent villages and towns. Urbanization occurred as societies grew more complex and trade networks expanded, leading to the establishment of cities. Today, human settlement continues to evolve with urbanization, technology, and globalization shaping the way we live.