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2) everyone for themselves

3) No goverment each ruler had a section

4) sometimes a disrumble

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Q: What are four characteristics of a stateless society?
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What are the characteristics of a stateless society?

A stateless society is not governed by a state. Some of the characteristics of a stateless society is a very reduced amount of authority, very limited authoritarian power, and powers of position are not permanently held. These societies are almost extinct in this day and age.

A society that strives to be classless and stateless is called?

A classless stateless society is Socialism.

What is stateless society?

A society with no government need not be chaotic and lawless. A classless Socialist society would have no role for government.

What is a synonym for stateless society?

Decentralized, I think..

Four distinct characteristics of any society are?

Four distinct characteristics of any society are its culture, social structure, economy, and politics. Culture includes beliefs, customs, and traditions. Social structure refers to the organization of individuals within the society. Economy involves the production and distribution of resources. Politics refers to the organization and governance of the society.

Why is igbo society stateless?

Igbo society is traditionally stateless due to its decentralized political structure, where power is dispersed among various village councils. This system is rooted in the belief in individual autonomy and self-governance. This lack of a centralized state has allowed for greater flexibility and adaptability in Igbo society.

When was Stateless - Stateless album - created?

Stateless - Stateless album - was created on 2007-07-16.

What is the main idea of communism?

To establish a classless, stateless society.

What family was murdered by the communists?

Communists (advocates of a classless stateless society) have never murdered anyone.

What is a group of independent villages organized by clans and led by a local ruler or clan head?

It is the Stateless Society.

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She did not maintain the traditional role of women meant to play in upper class society.

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