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During the course of the US Civil War there were many important Union victories. There are also many diverse answers to this question. Here is a list of six important Union victories:1. The capture of New Orleans;

2. The capture of Fort Donelson;

3. The battle at Shiloh;

4. The battle of Gettysburg;

5. The battle at Antietam, although in technical military terms this was a draw; and

6. The fall of Atlanta in 1864.

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During the US Civil War, the South did have a number of victories. The first two major ones were both of the Battles of Bull Run in 1861 and 1862. Then the Battle of Fredericksburg saw Lee defeat Ambrose Burnside. In 1863, Lee overcame all odds and with a much smaller army defeated Union General Hooker at Chancellorsville.

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Q: What are four battles the South won during the US Civil War?
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u idiot ....

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