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Q: What are five words that describe Ferdinand Magellan?
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How did Magellan arrived on the archipelago?

When Ferdinand Magellan traveled to the Philippine archipelago with a fleet of five ships provided by King Charles V. Magellan commanded the flagship christened the Trinidad.

What did Ferdinand Magellan traveled in?

He travelled in one of the five other ships and a total of 250 men.

What impact did Magellan have on history?

Ferdinand Magellan, who was killed in the Philippines, was the commander of five ships that tried to sail around the world with Spain as their point of origin. Only One of the five ships completed the circumnavigation of the globe. Ferdinand Magellan is credited as the person who proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Earth is oval shaped by leading, (most of the way), a bunch of ships around the world.

What were the 4 ships Ferdinand Magellan took?

There were five ships under Magellan's command - Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepción, Victoria, and Santiago Magellan had five ships - Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepción, Victoria, and Santiago - when he left Seville, Spain, in 1519 in an attempt to sail around the world.

What year did ferdinand magellan sail?


What was Ferdinand Magellan's ship called?

well he had five of them. I only remember the santiago

Who were five explorers of the age of exploration?

Christopher Columbus Herman Cortes Francisco Pizarro Vasco De Gama Ferdinand Magellan Bartolomeu Dias

What was Ferdinand Magellans contribution to exploration?

In search of fame and fortune, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan set out from Spain in 1519 with a fleet of five ships to discover a western sea route to the Spice Islands. En route he discovered what is now known as the Strait of Magellan and became the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean.

How many people was with Magellan?

Ferdinand Magellan took 237 men on his voyage, but many of them died.

What was the name of the first ship to sail around the world?

The first ship to sail around the world was called the Victoria, which was part of Ferdinand Magellan's expedition from 1519 to 1522. Magellan himself did not complete the journey, as he was killed in the Philippines, but the remaining crew completed the circumnavigation.

What is a biography of Ferdinand Magellan?

Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe. He set out from Spain in 1519 with five ships and reached the Philippines in 1521, where he was killed in a battle. His expedition continued, completing the voyage under the leadership of Juan SebastiΓ‘n Elcano in 1522, proving the Earth was round.

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