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Native Maya people share some characteristics with other native South American Indians. Use the link to the Wikipedia article to begin collecting data. The term Maya is frequently said to be "overreaching" in that it is used in a more broad sense and to encompass more peoples than just the ancients identified as Mayans.

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16y ago
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16y ago

1. It was a polytheistic religion (they worshiped many gods).

2. The major gods were Kukulcan, Gucumatz, Itzamna, and Huracan.

3.Chac was a rain god.

4. Yum Caax was the Young Maize God.

5. Ix Chel was goddess of the moon, rainbows, and medicines. She was married to Itzamna.

6. Kukulcan was the Mayan equivalent of the Aztec Quetzalcoatl - the Feathered Serpent.

7. Huhnapu and Xbalanque were the Hero Twins, who went into the underworld and performed many very impressive feats.

8. Mayan people made many blood sacrifices to the gods.

9. Some slaves and prisoners of war were ritually killed.

10. People also cut their own arms, hands, and tongue with a cord with thorns in it, and dripped the blood in front of a small statue of a god.

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15y ago
Important Facts about the Maya Civilization

Population: There is no complete population estimate, but it must have been in the millions. In the 1600s, the Spanish reported that there were between 600,000-1 million people living in the Yucatan peninsula alone. Each of the larger cities probably had populations in excess of 100,000, but that doesn't count the rural sectors that supported the larger cities.

Environment: The Maya Lowland region below 800 meters is tropical with rainy and dry seasons. There is little exposed water except in lakes in limestone faults, swamps, and cenotes-natural sinkholes in the limestone that are geologically a result of the Chicxulub crater impact. Originally, the area was blanketed with multiple canopied forests, and mixed vegetation.

The Highland Maya regions include a string of volcanically active mountains. Eruptions have dumped rich volcanic ash throughout the region, leading to deep rich soils and obsidian deposits. Climate in the highland is temperate, with rare frost. Upland forests originally were mixed pine and deciduous trees.

Writing, Language and Calendars of the Maya Civilization

Mayan language: The various groups spoke nearly 30 closely related languages and dialects, including the Mayan and Huastec

Writing: The Maya had 800 distinct hieroglyphs, with the first evidence of language written on stela and walls of buildings beginning ca 300 BC. Bark cloth paper codexes were being used no later than the 1500s, but all but a handful were destroyed by Spanish

Calendar: The so called "long count" calendar was invented by Mixe-Zoquean speakers and adapted by Maya ca 400 BC. The earliest inscription in long count was made dated AD 292. Earliest date listed on the "long count" calendar is August 11, 3114 BC, what the Maya said was the founding date of their civilization. The first dynastic calendars were being used by about 400 BC

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12y ago

the Mayas were very creative. They are know for their art. Also no one knows how the Mayas vanished. There crimes were scars but there punishments were deadly and swift.

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10y ago

copan and tikal are two major cities present-day hondurus

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13y ago

the Maya is a mesoamerican civilization

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