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He is a track field

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Q: What are facts about carl Lewis?
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Continue Learning about General History

Does Carl Lewis still compete in the Olympics?

No, Carl Lewis last competed at the 1996 Summer Games in Atlanta.

How many gold meals carl Lewis won?

9 olympic golds.

How many medals did carl Lewis won?

In all his years of running he has 23 medals total. Not just 19 gold; 2 sliver; 2 bronze. Glad I could be help to u Carl Lewis fans : )

Who came second in Ben Johnson's Olympic race?

I think it was carl lewis or something

What are facts about Meriwether Lewis?

He would hunt in the middle of the night.

Related questions

Does Carl Lewis have a wife?

carl lewis wife is maria lewis

Who is Carl Lewis' wife?

Carl Lewis is not married.

When was Carl Lewis born?

Carl Lewis was born on July 1, 1961

When did Carl Lewis?

Carl Lewis is not dead he is 51 he is still living

When did carl Lewis die?

Carl Lewis is not dead he is 51 he is still living

What is Carl Lewis's birthday?

Carl Lewis was born on July 1, 1961.

Did Carl Lewis die?

Carl Lewis is not dead he is 51 he is still living

What is Carl Lewis's birthday?

Carl Lewis was born on July 1, 1961.

When is Carl Lewis's birthday?

Carl Lewis was born on July 1, 1961

What olympic athlete starts with the letter c?

Carl Lewis (track)

Lewis Hamilton full name?

Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton Hamilton was named after the American sprinter Carl Lewis

Did Carl Lewis have children Who are they?

Dawn Lewis