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because of the disfranchisement of the Negro

.....And many others.....Muslims, Jews, other non-christians, Women, Hispanics, Mexicans, Homosexuals, etc. EXAMPLES: Slavery, Jim Crow, Anti-Multiculturalism, Religious Right, Hate Groups, Indigenous American genocide, Gitmo, Abu Gharib, the list is too long.....America is a hypocrite nation of suspicious WASPs, religious nuts & hawks & it's hard to have Real PROGRESS! Heck, even the CANADIANS are better at being "True Americans" than the "Americans".....they accept multiculturalism, gay rights, women's rights, the "wall" between "Church & State", the enviroment's cleaner, the health care is free, the people are more progressive & less "hawkish", pot & same sex marriage are legal, etc. There aren't too many hate groups there & basically the society is a bit more tollerant, open minded, etc. I'm thinking of leaving my homeland of the USA and "moving North". I rather be labeled a "Cannuck" than a "Stupid American Pig". Another bonus, Canada is not "some far off land" & I wont feel like a "fish out of water". Canada ain't perfect, they've done stupid stuff in the past but at least they're willing to change and accept everyone.

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What is Islam's view about being a hypocrite?

hypocrite is a person who pretends to be good, pious or sympathetic without really being so. It is strictly sinful to be hypocrite. It brings you to the Hell Fire on the Day of Judgment after life. To be hypocrite is worse than being unbeliever.

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that would be a dense hypocrite

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Hypocritical is and adjective from hypocrite. The word means that whatever is being described is expressing something then contradicting that idea. For example, Mary says that she hates shopping, but she goes out frequently to shop.

Is God a hypocrite?

No, He is not a Hypocrite, If you are meaning is He a hypocrite because he is jealous of His bride (the church) being stolen by the world through the Father of Lies (Satan) then no, because that is a righteous jealousy.

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He claimed to care about the environment, but as a hypocrite, he continued to litter and waste resources.

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Acknowledging one's hypocrisy is the first step towards self-awareness and growth. By admitting to being a hypocrite, you are taking responsibility for your actions and showing a willingness to change those behaviors. It's not about whether you are "really" a hypocrite, but rather about how you choose to address and amend your behavior moving forward.

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There is no definitive evidence to suggest that Albert Einstein was a hypocrite. He was known for his integrity and consistency in his beliefs and actions. Although he had personal flaws like any human being, there is no widespread recognition of him being hypocritical.

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The cast of The Hypocrite - 2010 includes: Nick Perret as The Hypocrite

Is being spiritual being a hypocrite?

no only if you have said that there is no god then when jesus comes again become a christian straight away.

How do you say You are a hypocrite in French?

Depending if the hypocrite in question is male or female, you'd say: "Tu es un hypocrite" (male) "Tu es une hypocrite" (female).

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Delete it. May as well... better than being a hypocrite.

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The Happy Hypocrite was created in 1897.