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Duckboards are rubber mats that are bonded with wire. It is usually about 45x35cm in size. Usually black in colour. Used in restaurant kitchens and bars to protect the floors from getting slippery.

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15y ago

A duckboard is similar to a small pallet. They were used to provide a surface to walk one at the bottom of the trenches. and your a smelly old man popopopopopooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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Q: What are duck boards?
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In level 2 of Mission Impossible operation surma when you have to avoid the turrets how do you get past?

If you haven't found out yet, what you need to do is duck down behind the wooden boards and work your way past the turrents. The boards will be shot down though so make sure you get to the next one.

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The plural of board is boards. As in "we looked at the drawing boards".

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The duration of To Duck or Not to Duck is 360.0 seconds.

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The name of the duck from Mickey Mouse is Donald Duck (boy duck name ) the girl duck is called Daisy Duck

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I don't know what a guinea fowl is exactly, but duck meat is called duck.

When was To Duck or Not to Duck created?

To Duck or Not to Duck was created on 1943-03-06.

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Long boards are better.

What is the Japanese word for duck?

Domestic Duck- Ahiru Mallard Duck- Magamo Mandarin Duck- Oshidori Wild Duck- Kamo and duck hunting is kamouchi or kamoryu

Why a duck?


What is a duck seed?

it is a seed that the daddy duck plants in a mommy duck to make a baby duck