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the disadvantge of hieroglyphics are that they take time to write and even difficult to write

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Q: What are disadvantages on hieroglyphics?
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What are the disadvantages and advantages of hieroglyphics?

The advantages of hieroglyphics is that written language could be passed down. The disadvantages were that papyrus decayed and stone walls were destroyed by time. The only reason that the hieroglyphics were deciphered is that the Rosetta Stone had the Greek language on the stone so we had a large enough sample to read the hieroglyphics.

Hieroglyphics were a form of what?

Hieroglyphics were a form of writing.

What is the French word for hieroglyphics?

Hieroglyphics = hiéroglyphes

Can you smoke hieroglyphics?

No, you cannot smoke hieroglyphics.

What were Hieroglyphics painted on?

Hieroglyphics were written on papyrus.

How do you spell hiroglifics?

The correct spelling is "hieroglyphics" (ancient Egyptian pictographs).

What kinds of things or stories were written in hieroglyphics?

of hieroglyphics

When did hieroglyphics get found?

Correction What year were hieroglyphics discovered

What are the Egyptian hieroglyphics?

Egyptians hieroglyphics are picture letters

What was a sentence for hieroglyphics?

The Mayan hieroglyphics remain undecipherable.

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What is the name of people who used to write hieroglyphics?

Scribes wrote hieroglyphics. Priests and royalty were also taught hieroglyphics.