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Q: What are different routes called in football?
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What are the routes to get to makkah?

There are different routes to Makkah from different countries.

What is where two routes cross called?

What is a place where two routes cross called?

Is soccer dangerous than football?

no its pretty much the same as football, its just called a different name.

How football involves geometry?

football uses geometry because the players have to learn the right angles and routes to run for the plays

What is the TE role in football?

Block and run some routes to catch passes.

Is soccer and football scored differently or the same?

Soccer and football is the same sport witha different name, it is called football in the uk and soccer in the u.s.

What is Canada's football?

Canada's football is very much like American football... it even harbors all the failures of the NFL but it is different as in they throw the ball alot more and they have different punting.

What three routes did the pioneers use to get west?

the three routes were called the overland, panima, and the cape horn routes

Does football have any other names in different countries?

Yes, It is called soccer in a lot of different countries.

Why were certain trade routes called triangle routes?

Certain trade routes were called triangle trade routes because the route was shaped like a triangle. It was when three ports or regions would trade with each other.

What is the homonym of routes?

The homonym of "routes" is "roots." They sound the same but have different meanings.

What is a place called where 2 routes meet?

A place where two routes meet are called Super-2.