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all chinese people are ugly

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Q: What are differences and similarities of Chinese new year and American new year?
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What are the differences and similarities between our Christmas and Chinese New Year?

During Christmas people go to church and pray to God. Chinese people visit temples and pray to their ancestors for good fortune. It is the only difference. Similarity on both of this occasion, people celebrate by giving gifts and sweets to friends and relatives.

When is the Chinese New Year on an American calendar?

The United States calander date for the Chinese New Year falls on a different date every year. The Chinese New Year will be on Friday January 31, 2014 next year.

What is the weight limit you can put in your Mercedes sprinter?

You need to specify an exact model and model year. I believe there are significant differences between North American, Mexican, European, Chinese, and Japanese models that the weight rating is affected.

What does the American and Chinese calandar have in common?

Both the American and Chinese calendars are based on a solar system, with the American calendar following the Gregorian system and the Chinese calendar following the lunisolar system. They both have 12 months in a year, but the Chinese calendar has a leap month added every few years to make up for the discrepancy between lunar and solar cycles.

What are the similarities between Chinese new year and our new year?

During Christmas people go to church and pray to God. Chinese people visit temples and pray to their ancestors for good fortune. It is the only difference. Similarity on both of this occasion, people celebrate by giving gifts and sweets to friends and relatives.

Why Chinese New Year different to ours?

The new year is a time of festivity and celebration in most cultures. Our New Year's Day is always on January 1st. The Chinese New Year is determined by the lunar calendar, and festivities begin with the new cycle of the moon that falls between January 21 and February 19 each year.

What is the Chinese new year in English?

chinese new year

What is the Chinese year based on?

The Chinese year is based on Animals

What is the Chinese year for 2001?

2001 was the Chinese Year of the Snake.

1699 what Chinese year is it?

1699 was the Chinese year of the Rabbit.

What is the Chinese new year?

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What year is 2011 in the Chinese calendar?

In the Chinese Calender the year 2011 is the year of the hare.