

Best Answer

That would take far to long to answer on this forum. If you are genuinely interested in the traditions of the Crow tribe, find the following books at your local library or buy them:

The Crow by Frederick E Hoxie

The Crow Indians by Robert H Lowie

Crow Indian Beadwork by Wildschut and Ewers

Plenty Coups Chief of the Crows by Frank B Linderman

Five Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri by Edwin Thompson Denig

Two Leggings by Peter Nabokov

From the Heart of the Crow Country by Herman Viola and Joseph Medicine Crow

The Religion of the Crow Indians by Robert H Lowie

Crow Indian Medicine Bundles by Wildschut and Ewers

A Taste of Heritage: Crow Indian Recipes and Herbal Medicines by Kelly Kindscher, Alma Hogan Snell and Lisa Castle

Counting Coup: Becoming a Crow Chief on the Reservation and Beyond by Joseph Medicine Crow

Pretty-Shield: Medicine Woman of the Crows by Frank Bird Linderman

The little people: Crow legends of creation (Indian culture series. Stories of the Crow Indians) by Flora Hatheway

The Way of the Warrior: Stories of the Crow People by Phenocia Bauerle, Henry Old Coyote and Barney Old Coyote

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Q: What are crow traditions?
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This culture that lived in the northern plains has the same name as a bird?

The culture you are referring to is the Native American tribe known as the Crow people, who historically lived in the Northern Plains region of the United States. They are known for their rich history and cultural traditions.

What does it mean when you see a happy crow in your dream?

The meaning of this dream depends your own perceptions of crows. In Native American traditions, Crow or Raven can be a messenger from the gods, the Fire Bringer, or a trickster somewhat like Coyote. The dream might suggest caution in your dealings, purchases or contracts at this time. Other traditions, particularly from Britain, associate the crow with carrion, death and especially with the slaughter of war. In that case, a "happy crow" would be a grim image, perhaps reflecting your emotional reaction to recent atrocities in the news. Yet again, in the very popular Game of Thrones book and television series, crows are trained as messengers, much like homing pigeons. So if you happen to be a fan of George R. R. Martin, a happy crow suggests the expectation of good news.

What is a crow but is not the bird crow?

martin crow

How many Crow species are there?

Many species including the American crow, fish crow, carrion crow, hooded crow.

How many species of Crow are there?

Many species including the American crow, fish crow, carrion crow, hooded crow.

Do you like the Westing Game book?

yes, I do like it bUT it takes forever!If you want to know who the murder is it is: CROW CROW CROW CROW CROW!

What are Crow predators?

A fox could be a predator of the crow, if the crow were on the ground...but the predator of a crow would be an owl.

What are a crow's predators?

A fox could be a predator of the crow, if the crow were on the ground...but the predator of a crow would be an owl.

Margaret atwood crow song?

crow crow ima crow, fu.ckin' crows, everwhere i go.

What means crow?


When did the crow Indians get horses?

According to oral Crow tribal traditions, during the time of a chief called Chíilapkalishtachiash (Young White Buffalo) the Crows obtained their first steel knives from the Hidatsas, who got them in trade from European traders. The first horses were also obtained by Crows under this chief, some time in the late 1600s.Since these events were passed on by word of mouth and not written down, the exact date is unknown and it may have been slightly earlier or later than the traditions suggest.

What did the crow have in its beak from The Fox and the Crow?

In Aesop's tale of The Fox and The Crow the fox saw that the crow had a piece of cheese in its beak.