

What are bootleg DVDs?

Updated: 8/19/2022
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15y ago

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they are dvds that are the first ones to come get bought

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Q: What are bootleg DVDs?
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How do you use the word bootleg in a sentence?

The sentence you're reading right now is actually a bootleg copy of the same sentence from another website.

How do you dispose of bootleg DVDs?

Let me clarify, my husband got a big bag on DVDs from a someone he knows. He brought them home and we looked through them. Some were legit, half the bag was bootleg (he didn't check before he took them). He wants them gone but can't figure out how to do that. (He's paranoid anyway and it's really freaking him out).

How can I tell if cheap DVDs are bootleg or not?

There are a few ways to identify a pirated DVD. First of all, a pirated DVDs are usually violet/blue on the bottom part of the disk. Many original DVDs nowadays also have a white strip and few other security devices on them.

Is the company DVDMDtv legitimate?

I have read many complaints at regarding bootleg DVDs and poor customer service...simply complaints of poor quality or outright fraud.

Is it possible to teach a monkey how to burn DVDs I am trying to start a bootleg shop and I don't have to burn them all myself?

Its too complicated.They would smash the laptop. its called interns.

When was Bootleg - song - created?

Bootleg - song - was created in 1969.

When was Bootleg Detroit created?

Bootleg Detroit was created in 1994.

When was Ghetto Bootleg created?

Ghetto Bootleg was created in 2005.

When was Bootleg Retrospective created?

Bootleg Retrospective was created in 1977.

How can you get left for dead bootleg on the PC for free?

bootleg? ahahaha you don't.

When was Bootleg -Feedbacker- created?

Bootleg -Feedbacker- was created on 2005-01-21.

When was Nirvana bootleg recordings created?

Nirvana bootleg recordings was created in 1988.