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Against violence : violence is a spread feature nowadays .. and its obvious that is harmful nd there is no positive side of it .. it causes physical and emotional conflicts

In fact , it leaves scras in the position where the victim was beaten

besides , it breaks the heart ..

i've an experience .. so pease.. lets join hands to realize peace !

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Arguments for media violence include freedom of speech and a market demand for violence in movies, Video Games, TV shows, and in music. Arguments against media violence claim that their may be a connection between media violence and real life violence.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

If someone says that violence isn't the answer, have at them with a two-by-four and they'll agree with you pretty quickly.

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Q: What are arguments for and against media violence?
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Media can enhance violence in society by promoting violent behaviors as acceptable or glamorous, desensitizing individuals to violence through frequent exposure, and creating a culture where aggression is normalized and even rewarded. This can lead to individuals being more prone to imitating violent behavior and can contribute to a cycle of violence in society.

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The same arguments that are used against women. The gender shouldn't change your argument. However, Arguments like the fact that people will take the topic lightly because the usually more submissive member * the female * is taking power over the dominant one * male * is a good way to start. Simplified : People overlook this because of gender roles.

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Athina Karatzogianni has written: 'Violence and war in culture and the media' -- subject(s): War and society, War in mass media, Violence in mass media

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First, you should organize your ideas of what you want to persuade; for example, in an essay about violence you should start by the main idea.Second, use a thesis statement, so it can guide you to the details. How is it that media violence has a negative effect on those who are exposed to it? First of, those who consume high levels of media violence are more likely to be aggressive in the real world. Secondly, those who watch high levels of media violence are at increased risk of aggressive behaviour as adults. And finally, media violence stimulates fear in some people, and desensitizes people to real violence.

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Violence=war. There cannot be war without violence. Legal combatants are the only personnel involved with war; all non-combatants are to be evacuated.

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