

What are Watergate tapes?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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12y ago

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The watergate tapes are the series of tapes that was used as the main evidence to impeach Nixon. The tapes were recordings of every conversation Nixon had in his office about the Watergate scandal, they contained evidence that Nixon was trying to cover up his involvement in the scandal.

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Was Nixon responsible for the Watergate break-in?

Yes he was involved. On the Watergate tapes he can be heard telling Dean that they need to break into the Watergate building where the headquarters were located.

How many minutes were missing from the infamous Watergate tapes?

18 & a 1/2

What role did the tapes from Nixon's conversation in the Oval Office play in the Watergate scandal?

The tapes were incomplete.

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The Supreme Court ruled that Nixon had to expose his secret tapes.

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It blew the investigation wide open when the tapes were subpoenaed by Judge Sirica

What was Nixon's relationship to the Watergate scandal?

Nixon's own tapes showed that he authorized the payment of "hush money" to cover up the break-in at the Watergate Hotel (into Democratic Party Headquarters). The tapes did not provide evidence that Nixon had ordered or approved of the break-in itself.

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The instructions to G. Gordon Liddy on the break in of the Democratic offices at the Watergate by Nixon.

What is 18.5 equals M E from the W T?

18 and a half mintues erased from the watergate tapes

What was the supreme courts position in the Watergate's case?

The Supreme Court ruled that Nixon had to expose his secret tapes.

White house lawyer whose dramatic charges against Nixon were validated by the Watergate tapes?

James Dean