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First of all, there isn't much choice.

To get the airship to lift, one has to use a gas that's lighter than air. Only two do that well enough to be useful, hydrogen and helium.

Hydrogen is lighter and cheaper, but horribly flammable.

Helium is more expensive, provide less lift, but is entirely non flammable.

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What gases are in an airship?

Helium has replace hydrogen in airships

What are airships filled with now?

helium, mostly

Is there helium in airships?

Yes. Helium isn't flammable, which makes it the safer option.

What shape are most airships?

Airships are usually the shape of a oval. They look like blimps. Airships are usually filled with helium to keep them afloat.

What element is used to fill airships and balloons?

Helium is typically used to fill airships and balloons due to its low density, which allows them to float in the air.

Which element is also used in airships?

Hydrogen and helium are two elements that are kinda-sorta interchangeable in airships.

What is a light element used for lifting airships?

Hydrogen (explosive), Helium (non-explosive).

Which floatation gas has been replaced by safer helium in airships?

The gas that helium replaced was Hydrogen

Why is helium safer then hydrogen for use in airships?

Helium is inert. Will not burn like hydrogen does so well.

What is the main purpose of helium?

helium is used to cool superconducting magnets in mri scanners as helium is lighter then air airships use them as gasses

Why is helium used in airships rather than oxygen?

Helium is a lighter gas than oxygen, ever seen balloons filled with helium? They rise upwards with heat due to a lesser amount of particles. If we used oxygen, the airships wouldn't get off the ground!

Which 2 gases are found in airships?

Hydrogen and helium gases are commonly used in airships for lift. Helium is safer than hydrogen due to its non-flammable nature, although it is less buoyant.