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Although the process may vary by state, the general rule is that sexual and IV needle sharing partners going back 10 years will be notified that they may have been exposed to the virus. However, this information has to be provided voluntarily by the person that has HIV.

In New York State, for example, once the doctor has told the person that they have the virus, the next discussion is about partners. The doctor will ask the person if they will voluntarily give the names and information on their partners. The HIV positive person has the option to give that information, or they can choose not to disclose that information.

There are exceptions, however:

  • If the doctor already knows the names of partners, the doctor is required by law to report all known partners.
  • If the HIV positive person is married, again, by law, the doctor would have to report the spouse's name for notification.
  • If there is a concern about potential domestic violence as a result of notifiying partners that they may have been exposed, notification would not occur or would be deferred for a later date.
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You should have just done the homework for your SCI/163 class.

LOL! I'm just assuming that you are @ UOP because I'm looking for the same question that is written the same way.

Have a great day!


When HIV infection is diagnosed, patients should be encouraged to disclose their HIV status to their current sex partners and previous sex partners and recommend that these partners be tested for HIV infection. The Office of Public Health Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) can assist patients by notifying, counseling, and providing HIV testing for partners without disclosing the patient's identity. Providers should inform patients who receive a new diagnosis of HIV infection that they will be contacted by the health department staff for a voluntary interview to discuss notification of their partners. SBHC staff are not responsible for notifying partners.

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