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Most synagogues do not have a single leader, but are run by a committee established by the congregants. In the United States, the leader of this committee is called the President. It is worth noting that the President is almost always a Lay Jew as opposed to a person with religious experience.

If the question meant to ask, who leads services within a synagogue, that would be a Rabbi and/or a Cantor. However, it would not be necessary to be a Rabbi or Cantor to actually lead services and there are some smaller congregations where members exclusively lead services.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Most synagogues do not have a single leader, but are run by a committee established by the congregants. In the United States, the leader of this committee is called the President. It is worth noting that the President is almost always a Lay Jew as opposed to a person with religious experience.

If the question meant to ask, who leads services within a synagogue, that would be a Rabbi.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Synagogues are the Jewish houses of prayer; and Rabbis are the leaders of the Jewish communities. Most synagogues were and are given Torah-guidance by one or more Rabbis. In addition, many synagogues have also functioned as places of Torah-learning, which is led by Rabbis who teach Torah to scholars and members of the laity.As for prayers, policy and financial functioning, a Rabbi is not technically required.
See also:

More about Jewish prayer

History of synagogue-prayer

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Rabbis and Cantors generally lead Jewish services, but they are not required. Any Jew over 13 years of age can lead a service.

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Q: What are Jewish synagogue leaders called?
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