Ba an element of the human soul Bastet goddess of music Bes protector of pregnant women and babies Blue Nile
Some Latin words which start with b are: balneator (hairdresser, barber), benefacere (gift, giving a gift), bibliopola (book merchant, book keeper), boves (oxen) and brevi (short)
blah buttocks
To be a ruler and a leader ! ~ Richelyne B. :)
binary and bomb Blitz; Blitzkreig; bazooka;
Ancient Egypt was home to about 5 million people which would be about equal to the number of people living in Colorado. Most of ancient Egyptians lived in the fertile Nile River valley and delta which is found at the mouth of the river. These two areas only make up 3 percent of Egypt and are densely populated even today. I hope this helps
Beni Suef is a city in Egypt. The Bent Pyramid is an ancient pyramid in Egypt.
what are some words that start with the lettter b
Beer, and Book of the Dead
The hieroglyph for "house" in ancient Egypt is called "per" and it eventually became associated with the B sound because both words in Egyptian start with the same letter. This association is known as the acrophonic principle where a picture represents the initial sound of the word it symbolizes.
Some seven letter words that start with a B include:baffledbankingbarkingbashfulbecausebelievebeneathbeggingblanketblenderblessedblisterblinkerblockerblossomblotterblastedblackenblatherblushedblunderblurtedbonfirebroughtbrittlebrisklybrieflybrotherbutterybutcherbuntingbustingbungled
names ,words with B at the start of sentences
Some words that start with S and end with B are:sahibscabscarabscrubshrubslabslobsnobsnubsobspareribspiderwebsquabstabstubsubsuburbsuccumbsuperbswab
Thousands of English words start with the letter b. Less than ten English words end with the letter j. No Scrabble words start with b and end with j.
Some words that start with a silent "b" include: subtle, thumb, and knob.
the largest social class in Egypt of ancient Rome was made up of A artisans B farmers C soldiers D traders b.farmer