Atlantic Ocean hero America Discover Land New world Ships Voyage Explorer Native History Brave Smart Leader Inspinering Traveler Heroic Knowing Daring Responsible Sailor Smart Risk taker Fare Knowing Sailor Leader Inspinering Discover Italion Italy Journey Ocean Sailor Gold Rickes Compass Smart brave
From yours truly, The Chaddiest of all girls!! :)
5/30/1498 - 11/25/1500
born (8/25/1451) dies (5/20/1506)
It was made in the year 1992, & is better known as the quincentennial dollar. Quin-5, Centennial-100, meaning Columbus made landfall 500 years before the dollar bill was made in honor of him
Christopher Columbus, who first reached the islands off North America in 1492.
i think he had 5 but 2 of them are Diego and Fernando
5 years
he had a family of 5 sibling he was married and had a son diego
From yours truly, The Chaddiest of all girls!! :)
5/30/1498 - 11/25/1500
Christopher Columbus left in 3 ships called Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria. there's a song say Nina pinta Santa Maria 3 times then say 3 ships and stop for 5 seconds then say for Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus landed on the island of Hispaniola in 1492 during his first voyage to the Americas and claimed it for Spain. Haiti, located on the western side of the island, was later colonized by the French.
He had 5 brothers he was the eldest of five one was Enriquez, Daniel, Luis, and David.
she had 5 kids she sponsored christopher Columbus she had 4 daughters and 1 son
He was married in 1479 and his wife died in 1485. SO that's about a good 5-6 years