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Basic Computer Elements: In generally used computers one can find that there are four basic computer elements following are the elements.

(1) ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit): The ALU is the digital circuit that is able to perform different types of functions, such as Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication etc.

(2) Control Unit: The control unit is the part of CPU (central processing unit) or other devices that performs the duty to direct its operations, the control unit is just like a finite state machine that has some finite states and the transaction from one state to the other state is called action.

(3) Memory: The memory is another very important element of the computer without memory the computer can't operate in today's modern age it is called the RAM (Random Access Memory) when ever we give some instruction to the computer it passes through RAM to the Processor and the processor processes it and send it back. The main reason behind memory is that it is faster in communication with the processor then the other memory devices such as hard disk etc.

(4) Input/output devices: The input and output devices is another important element for example the processor is the input device and it gives its output to the monitor etc for output.

There is another very important point the basic elements are considered as CPU (central Processing Unit), I/O devices, and Memory actually the CPU is the composition of different other elements such as ALU, Control Unit, Registers which is another type of memory.

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Some automobiles,electronic,machinery,etc are computer operated and that is,they do not have software,But was specifically designed to perform a specific task.

Computer commonly consists of HARDWARE and SOFTWARE. HARDWARE are the physical parts of the computer like keyboard, mouse, hard disk, processor, ram and Rom etc. SOFTWARE is the set of instructions that tells the computer what to do, For example Windows operating system, MS Word, MS Excel, Norton Anti virus all are software.

Whereas a COMPUTER SYSTEM consists of four components 1) HARDWARE 2) SOFTWARE 3) USER 4) DATA

Now USER means computer operators that will use computer for solving different problems. DATA is the collection of raw facts. Data processing is the primary job of a computer. Computer processes data in many ways to convert them into useful information. Processed data becomes information. For example, during census, data of all citizens is collected. Census data is used to get report/information about total population of a country and literacy rate etc.

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What is the description of the first computer?

As originally defined in the 1500s a computer is a person that computes. You are a computer.The word only acquired the modern meaning of an electronic machine that computes after ww2. There is one right in front of you that you use to access this site.Either way I don't need to describe it as you can see it yourself.

Steps in the boot process?

1. the computer is switched on. loads data from ROM and checks whether all the major components like processor,hard disc are functioning properly. loads bios(basic input/output system) from ROM to determine the machine's fundamental configuration and environment. loads the operating system from the secondary storage(hard disc) into ram .this allows the CPU to have immediate access to the operating system ,which enhances the performance and functionality of the overall system.

Components of a computers System?

A computer consists of hardware and software 1.Hardware: These are the physical parts of computer system which provids basic computing resources eg:CPU,I/O device 2.Operating System : It cantrols cordinate use of hadware and among verios application and users,It is mediator between computer hardware and software 3.Application programs:Thy defined the way in which the system resources are used to solve the computing problems. 4.User: User are People,machine,other comuters.

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Question 23 of 30Number: 16447Question: The output data from the ADC are used by: 1- Transponder 2- EFIS 3- Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is: 1, 2.2, 3.1, 2, 3.1, 3.

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