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Germany surrendered and Hitler commited sucide and soviets lost over 20million men in the war

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11y ago

Mussolini and Hitler were both killed before their work was complete.

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Q: What are 2 results of World War 2?
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What were the results of Hitler's rule?

World War 2 and the Holocaust was the result.

The United Nations was created in the results of what?

As a result of World War 2.

How would you use irreversible in a sentence?

The results of World War 2 are irreversible

Did Francis Crick change his career in World War 2?

yes, he did when a bomb fell through the roof of his laboratory in world war 2 and destroyed his experimental results

In which way were the results of world war 1 and world war 2 similar?

The political boundaries of Central and Eastern Europe changed significantly.

What are Causes of World War 2 in the results of World War 1?

A lot of factors but mainly nationalism, the versaille treaty and the great depression.

What were the results of the Germany's invasion of russia in World War 2?

Failed due to severe weather conditions

What are the results of World War 2?

germany surrendered unconditionnally italy defeated japan...nuked / uncon surrender


Germany surrendered unconditionnally Italy defeated Japan...nuked / uncon surrender

What is the abbreviation for the largest war in which the US forces have fought in?

WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.

Is apocalypse world war 2 and world war 2 are the same?

yes apocalypse world war 2 is the same as world war 2.

Why did the world plunge into World War 2?

A war, known as World War 2.