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Ten Characteristics of Napoleon Bonaparte

He was bipolar. There would be times in his life when he would be extremely happy and elated, other times he would feel extremely depressed. This disorder perhaps somehow led him to be so successful as a military dictator.

He was short tempered at times, especially with women. I remember watching a documentary on how he had a lot of love for his first wife Josephine, perhaps his sexual frustration (he was a short guy so maybe he didn't appeal too much to women as young man) was He Screws Himself, what drove him to such great success in his life, that is, subconsciously and ultimately to impress members of the opposite gender.

Smart guy, liked to read a lot in his later teen years and early twenties. A lot of history.

Clever, cunning, calculating, likable, extremely charismatic, manipulative in a way, good speech giver, he could inspire people very easily with his speeches, could electrify people's souls with simple speeches in public, instilled a sense of French nationalism and pride among the nation.

I did a lot of research on him and I still think down inside he was a soft man. He did what he had to do in many cases to be as successful as he was, even though he ultimately failed in the end. I do not believe Napoleon was bipolar as much as being an emotional man. Also, Napoleon did start out with a great love for Josephine however the reason it was shaken was she cheated on him while he was in Egypt. He forgave her and although he had numerous affairs, such as a Polish princess bearing Napoleon one of his only two children, he did love her and treated her very well. Just read the memoirs of Constant or Meneval two servants of Napoleon. He only split with her because she could not bear children.

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