No. It was Julius Caesar who created the 365 day calendar, though it was 11 minutes off, which caused it to snow in the summer roughly in the 1600s.
They belived that everything was in balance. If you had good then there must be an equal amount of evil. It was an inbalance of these forces which caused conflict and bad things to happen such the as failure of the annual Nile flood.
Most hydroceles develop because of blocked lymphatic flow. Hydroceles also develop after infection, injury, or local cancer tumors.
He believed that civilizations needed writing.
The overthrow of the Etruscan monarchy in 509 Bc
The answer you are looking for is probably "The flooding of the Nile".
The calendar
they blamed the pharaoh
When you say "epidemics" do you mean the ten plagues?
Egyptians believed in gods and goddesses when people had to find a way to figure out what caused natural diasters such as the Nile River floods and droughts.
Nothing causes the Mayan calendar to end it is just the end of one cycle and the start of another one. Much the same as the new year in the Gregorian calendar. It's just a longer cycle.
Foreign invaders
The fall of the Roman Empire.
No. It was Julius Caesar who created the 365 day calendar, though it was 11 minutes off, which caused it to snow in the summer roughly in the 1600s.
Most of them died.
they wanted no keyboard and no more ideas