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Below are links to 3 separate Lewis and Clark questions that will answer this one.

Long list of animal discoveries by Lewis and Clark:

Long list of plant discoveries by Lewis and Clark:

Long list of geographical landmark discoveries by Lewis and Clark:

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Q: What animal and plant life and land formations did Lewis and Clark find?
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What plant life and land formations did Lewis and Clark find?

Below are links to two separate WikiAnwers questions, that will answer this one:Long list of plant life discoveries by the Lewis and Clark expedition: list of geographical landmark discoveries by the Lewis and Clark expedition:

What did Lewis and Clark find?

Lewis and Clark found new plant and animal species, established friendly relations with Native American tribes, mapped the territory of the Louisiana Purchase, and proved that a practical water route across North America did not exist.

What are five things that Lewis and Clark brought back from their trip?

Some items Lewis and Clark brought back from their expedition include detailed maps of the territory, plant and animal specimens, Native American artifacts, newfound knowledge of geography and natural resources, and journals documenting their experiences.

What was the goals the Lewis and clark expadition?

The main goals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition were to explore and map the newly acquired territory of the Louisiana Purchase, establish diplomatic relations with Native American tribes in the region, find a practical route for a waterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and document the plant and animal life of the region.

What do the routes of Lewis and Clark have in common?

The routes of Lewis and Clark both involved exploration of the western United States, specifically the Louisiana Purchase territory. They were looking for a water route to the Pacific Ocean and documenting new plant and animal species as well as interactions with Native American tribes along the way.

What was the purpose of Lewis and Clark's journey?

The purpose of Lewis and Clark's expedition, known as the Corps of Discovery, was to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase territory, establish trade with Native American tribes, and find a practical route to the Pacific Ocean. They were also tasked with documenting plant and animal species, as well as gathering information about the geography and resources of the region.

What was the purpose of the Lewis of Clark expedition?

President Jefferson sent them west to take notes of the plant and animal life of the region, since he was interested in that sort of stuff. He also wanted to know what Indians were living there and he wanted a map of the west.

Were any of the plants Lewis and clark encounter poisenous?

Yes, for they encountered poison ivy, a very common American plant.

Why were Lewis and Clark looking for six months after leaving St. Louis?

Lewis and Clark were on a mission commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase territory, find a practical route to the Pacific Ocean, establish trade relations with native tribes, and gather scientific and geographic information about the region. They were also tasked with documenting new plant and animal species they encountered.

What did Lewis and Clark discover and explore?

Lewis and Clark's expedition explored and documented the western lands of the United States, including the Pacific Northwest and the Missouri River. They discovered new plant and animal species, established relationships with Native American tribes, and mapped out a route to the Pacific Ocean.

What did Lewis and clark find in the Louisiana territory?

During their expedition, Lewis and Clark found new plant and animal species, mapped out the region, made contact with Native American tribes, and discovered a water route to the Pacific Ocean (the Columbia River). They also established relationships with indigenous people and recorded valuable scientific data about the flora, fauna, and geography of the Louisiana Territory.

On the Lewis and Clark expedition what did they discover?

The Lewis and Clark expedition discovered new animal and plant species, mapped a route to the Pacific Ocean, and established diplomatic relations with Native American tribes. They provided valuable information about the geography and resources of the newly acquired Louisiana Territory.