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American colonists were angered by when they were banned from westward expansion because they felt it was their right. This expansion would eventually lead to a substantial growth in the size of America.

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Q: What angered American colonists because it banned westward expansion?
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Who was most angered by george iii's proclamation of 1763?

The American colonists were most angered by George III's Proclamation of 1763, which restricted westward expansion beyond the Appalachian Mountains. They viewed it as an infringement on their rights to settle new lands and expand their territory after the French and Indian War. This proclamation was one of the grievances that eventually led to the American Revolution.

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The Proclamation of 1763 was issued by the British government after the French and Indian War to establish a boundary line between the American colonists and Native American territories. It aimed to prevent conflict with Native Americans and regulate westward expansion. The proclamation faced resistance from colonists seeking to settle in new lands, contributing to tensions that eventually led to the American Revolution.

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Because it limited their freedom to move West.

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Why did the sugar act angered the colonists?

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The outcome angered the relationship between the Native Americans and the English.

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