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yeah people from H.L.B i know ur looking for this question and u ain't onna get it ok because i spent a lot of time finding this and i ain't just gonna give it away yeah right oh and by the way my name is Allison :0 visit my facebook plzzz

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Q: What ancient civilization was powerful in Greece 3200 years ago?
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When did the ancient Greece civilization begin and end?

The ancient Greek civilization began approximately 700 years BC and ended in 146 BC with the Roman victory at the Battle of Corinth.It ended when the superior Romans came and uinvaded there asses! They were toataly owned and they have no chance to ever make a come back. When the tampon was invented

Why is Ancient Greece not around anymore?

The ancient era of Greek history ended about 1500 years ago, so Ancient Greece became Dark Age Greece, then Mediaeval Greece and now modern Greece. The descriptive words we use have changed. The land remains, as do relics of the ancient period.

What was the most powerful ancient civilization in mesopotamia?

It is difficult to answer this questions as the term "powerful" is ambiguous. Furthemore, many eastern civilizations have not been researched well enough and may have been more "powerful" than originally assumed. However, in terms of military power, it is generally accepted that Ancient Rome reach a level of military tactics and proweness far greated than anything else at the time. It's military tradition is said to be partly based on Macedonian and Spartan military traditions originating in the Hellenic world. In terms of science, the civilization which has most contributed overall to modern science, engineering and medicine, is Ancient Greece. This should not undermine the amazing advancements of other civilizations such as Ancient China, Egypt, Phoenicians etc.

Did ancient Egypt come before ancient Greece?

Yes, by a couple of thousand years.

Were the only Olympics the only games held in ancient Greece?


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Is it true The civilization of Ancient Greece was it peak nearly 1000 years ago?

The civilizations of Ancient Greece was at its peak nearly 1000 years ago

Was there Christians in Ancient Greece?

No. Ancient Greece was thousands of years before Jesus and the New Testament.

What events happened in ancient Greece in 15000 BC?

Ancient Greece did not exist for another 14000 years.

What two civilization was able to live in peace for many years?

Ancient Greece and Egypt were friendly for many years.

How long were the ancient egyptians a civilization?

Thousands of years.

When and how did the ancient Greek civilization begin?

Three thousand years ago nomadic tribes moved into Greece and each established farming areas which developed cities and became city-states.

When did the ancient Greece civilization begin and end?

The ancient Greek civilization began approximately 700 years BC and ended in 146 BC with the Roman victory at the Battle of Corinth.It ended when the superior Romans came and uinvaded there asses! They were toataly owned and they have no chance to ever make a come back. When the tampon was invented

Why is Greece ancient?

Ancient means very old and this Greek era was a very long time ago. That's two thousand and more years ago. A lot of times references to Greece are actually to ancient Greece. But, there is also Greece - as is modern Greece.

Why is Ancient Greece not around anymore?

The ancient era of Greek history ended about 1500 years ago, so Ancient Greece became Dark Age Greece, then Mediaeval Greece and now modern Greece. The descriptive words we use have changed. The land remains, as do relics of the ancient period.

How many years after the Mycenaean civilization thrived in Greece did the Greeks begin using the alphabet?

200 years

What country was the most powerful?

The most powerful ancient country ever is Iran! For thousand of years, Iran had been able to have a stable empire from very west to the east of the world. And It is still called with that ancient name which makes it the oldest established country! I would have to say Greece. When Alexander the great conquered Europe Greece was the biggest country and had the most powerful army in the world The Roman Empire because it built modern Europe.

When did ancient Egypt civilization begin?

About 5,000 years ago.