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the 6th amendment

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Q: What amendment say every person accused of a crime is entitled to a lawyer?
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What is the 5th amendemtn?

The 5th amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the accused to a lawyer. Also the person has the right to remain silent and not speak to police.

Which Amendment gives an accused person the right to be tried by a jury?


Can you explain what amendment 6 to the constitution means in fifth grade language?

That amendment means that when a person is accused of a crime, the person has a right to a trial that is not delayed too long. The person has a right for the trial to be public and not secret. The person has a right to be judged by people who are fair and have not already made up their minds. The person has a right to know what he's being accused of, and the right to know who is accusing him and who the witnesses are who are against him. The person also has a right to find witnesses in his favor, and the person has the right to get help from a lawyer.

What are the six rights guaranteed under the Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution?

The right to a speedy and public trial, the right to an impartial jury of your peers, the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusations against you, the right to be confronted by the witnesses against you, the right to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in your favor, the right to assistance of counsel for your defense.

How did roman law protect the right of an accused person?

how did roman law protect the rights of an accused person?

Related questions

A person accused of a crime is entitled to what law?

According to the Fifth Amendment, a person accused of a crime is entitled to due process of law.

Which amendment states that a person is entitled to have a lawyer?

5th or 4th . . .

What must a person accused of a crime be offered?

A person accused of a crime must be offered a lawyer. If the person can't afford a lawyer, the courts will appoint one for free.

What is the 5th amendemtn?

The 5th amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the accused to a lawyer. Also the person has the right to remain silent and not speak to police.

What major court ruling gave a person accused of a crime the right to have a lawyer?

Unless they waive the right (by chossing to represent themselves, for example) they are always entitled to a legal representative.

What amendment provides that an accused person shall have the assistance of counsel?

The Sixth Amendment

Which amendment states a person can have a lawyer?


An accused person is denied trial by a jury this would be a violation of which amendment?

The thirteenth amendment

What amendment protects you from double jeapardy?

which amendment protects a person accused of a crime from double jeopardy

A person accused accused of violating a constitutional amendment would be tried in what court?

A US DIstrict Court.

Is it Ethical for a criminal defense lawyer to represent a person believed to be guilty?

It is the right of an accused person to be represened in a trial. A lawyer has a duty to represent an accused person unless by doing so he is in conflict and will not be able to effectively discharge his duty.

Amendment iv and viii are concerned with the rights of an example of?

the accused person