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The three-fifths compromise

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Q: What allowed the slave states to count their slaves as part of the population when paying taxes and electing representatives?
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What are franking privileges and why are they important?

Franking is the right of Senators and Representatives to send job-related mail without paying postage.

What system allowed workers to move to colonies by paying their passage in a return for promise to work?

Indentured Servitude

What injustice started the French Revolution?

An outdated tax code that exempted the wealthiest 3% of the population from paying taxes.

What was the substitution policy during the civil war?

The policies of substitution and commutation were controversial practices that allowed drafted citizens to opt out of service by either furnishing a suitable substitute to take the place of the drafted, or paying $300.

What did the three fifths compromise address?

When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, many states allowed slavery- rich people, mainly farmers in southern states, could actually own people and force them to work without paying them. So when the Founding Fathers were writing up how to set up Congress, they decided the House of Representatives would be based on state populations- a state would get a number of representatives based on how many people lived in that state. Those states with a lot of slaves wanted to count the slaves towards how many people lived in the state- it would increase the number of representatives they would have in Congress, and would allow them to have more power in determining Federal government policy- and it goes beyond just having more representatives in the House. But states that didn't have a lot of slaves didn't want that to happen. For one, slaves had not only no right to vote, they had no right to do anything except what their owners told them to do. Secondly, it would give too much power to those states with a lot of slaves, as stated above. The Three-fifths clause was a compromise. It said that slaves only counted as 3/5 of a person, so they would increase the population number for slave-holding states, but not so much that they would get a huge advantage in Congress. This became Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution. This was used to apportion the number of Congressional seats given to a state. This was needed because the south being heavily populated with slaves as compared to the north felt that without such a compromise power in the House of Representatives would be weighted in favor of the northern industrial states and would leave the mostly agricultural south without equal footing. Thus ratification of the Constitution by southern states was greatly increased with this compromise. Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 (the 3/5 compromise) was overridden by the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in the USA (thus there were no slaves to be counted as 3/5 of a person) and the 14th Amendment which explicitly declared all the former slaves, who were born in the USA as US citizens AND (in Section 2 of the Amendment) counted them as a whole person: "Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed."

Related questions

What allowed the slave states to count their slaves as part as the population when paying taxes and electing representatives?

The three-fifths compromise

What allowed the slave states to count their slaves as a part of population when paying taxes and electing representatives?

The Three-Fifths Compromise

What allowed the slave states to count their slaves as part of the population when paying taxes and electing representative?

The three-fifths compromise

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Redistricting can work two ways. It can give the people more representatives in the case of a population growth or it can take away representatives when there is a population decrease. The decrease is beneficial to the tax payers paying the salary of the representatives.

Explain how redistricting makes Congress equally representative of all the people?

Redistricting can work two ways. It can give the people more representatives in the case of a population growth or it can take away representatives when there is a population decrease. The decrease is beneficial to the tax payers paying the salary of the representatives.

What allowed the slaves states to count their slavs as part of the population when paying taxes and electing representives?

The Three-Fifths Compromise, established in the United States Constitution in 1787, allowed slave states to count three-fifths of their enslaved population for representation and taxation purposes. This compromise aimed to balance the interests of slaveholding states with those of non-slaveholding states during the formulation of the Constitution. However, it perpetuated the systemic power imbalance between slaveholding and non-slaveholding states and further legitimized the institution of slavery.

What are franking privileges and why are they important?

Franking is the right of Senators and Representatives to send job-related mail without paying postage.

What system allowed the workers to move to the colonies by paying their passage in return for work?


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When on probation are you not allowed to move before completing community service and paying the fines?

While on probation (or parole) you are NOT allowed to move without the authorization of the court.

What system allowed workers to move to the colonies by paying their passage in return for a promise?

Indentured Servitude

What system allowed workers to move to colonies by paying their passage in return for promise to work?
