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This agreement was known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

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Q: What agreement between Germany and the soviet union promised that neither country would attack each other and also split Poland between the two countries?
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What was the non aggression act?

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An agreement between a group of people or countries is called an alliance. For example: Japan, Germany, and Italy were a fascist based alliance during World War II.

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It was an agreement between the Soviet Union and Germany before WWII saying that they would not fight each other. Hitler promised not to invade Soviet land and the Soviets promised not to fight Germany. Basically, it was an agreement that the two nations would stay away from one another's goals. Hitler did not honor the act when the invaded Russia.

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ANS: Agreement between in Italy and Germany on Galileo Contribution An agreement has been reached between Italy and Germany on contribution to the Galileo programme, which, if acceptable to the other countries involved, will pave the way for the official launch of the Galileo joint undertaking's activities. The agreement was reached at the governmental level, and foresees Italy assuming responsibility for the part of the programmed, while Germany will manage the space facet. Germany will also host the joint undertaking's sites, where 30 satellites will be constructed.

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Was there an agreement between America and Germany about being a democracy?
